i like my sugar with coffee and cream

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

awww mannnn

"first we'll make snow angels for 2 hours, then go ice skating, then we'll eat a whole roll of toll house cookiedough as fast as we can, and then we'll snuggle, then i thought maybe we could make ginger bread houses, eat more cookie dough, and then go ice skating again, and maybe even hold hands" -ELF
  • work @ bagel spot is going well.
  • my car is running smoothly.
  • i make a lot of green lights and wonder if i just have good timing when i drive.
  • mike-L and aimer really liked the presents i got them and that made me smile.
  • chai days till california (if you know what that means, you're cool..eat a cookie.)
  • hebrew final is tomorrow ahhhhhhhhhhh
  • passed geology exam, thank jesus.
  • not really thank jesus though. i miss my rabbis and tuesday night maimonides and wednesday night sushi and all those things that are jewish.
  • barnes&nobs w/ howie in the a.m. so he can meet with his bosses but i swear they're lesbos. and they use AIM and he's furious.
  • picture on the right... compliments of www.explodingdog.com

and some huge meteor is like "well fuck that."

p.s. im listening to coldplay and i feel very nicholas118ish.


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