oh my CHAD.
lets start with... thursday.
10. all the friends over for birthdays... fun !
9. they were: jos, jen, val, aaron, mike, amy, sam, jordan, lisa, yana, justin, david, zane, amanda3, umm...
8. had a slumber party :)
7. shabbaton friday.. FAR ROCKAWAYYYYY
6. van ride up always rocks... with my boyzzzzzzz and a few homegirls
5. shabbaton was so much fun. stayed with safirs in the big fun house. bonded with awesome people. made up a new code word.. chad... is that what they teach us on shabbatons?
4. i bet YOU didnt play kings with a rabbi's wife on friday night..
3. aaron came over to seriously study for a little bit tonight. we really read on a saturday night is that weird
2. going to ny tomorrow with fam for the monday bday...
1. i feel so reJEWvinated from everything... (you had to be there.)
new code: chad
use: "oh my chad..." or "i am going to go chad now" or "thats so chad" or maybe even "hey can i see your chad?" or "chad is wearing his jacket and touching seva.."
i love you guys, you know who you are. blurp. bye
editing a few minutes later after discussing things with a fellow chader:
macNcheese227: i forgot to say the use "chad must have been snorting on the corner" (sniffle)
JN64Lover: put it on there
10. all the friends over for birthdays... fun !
9. they were: jos, jen, val, aaron, mike, amy, sam, jordan, lisa, yana, justin, david, zane, amanda3, umm...
8. had a slumber party :)
7. shabbaton friday.. FAR ROCKAWAYYYYY
6. van ride up always rocks... with my boyzzzzzzz and a few homegirls
5. shabbaton was so much fun. stayed with safirs in the big fun house. bonded with awesome people. made up a new code word.. chad... is that what they teach us on shabbatons?
4. i bet YOU didnt play kings with a rabbi's wife on friday night..
3. aaron came over to seriously study for a little bit tonight. we really read on a saturday night is that weird
2. going to ny tomorrow with fam for the monday bday...
1. i feel so reJEWvinated from everything... (you had to be there.)
new code: chad
use: "oh my chad..." or "i am going to go chad now" or "thats so chad" or maybe even "hey can i see your chad?" or "chad is wearing his jacket and touching seva.."
i love you guys, you know who you are. blurp. bye
editing a few minutes later after discussing things with a fellow chader:
macNcheese227: i forgot to say the use "chad must have been snorting on the corner" (sniffle)
JN64Lover: put it on there
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