i like my sugar with coffee and cream

Tuesday, December 27, 2005


its been a while. hi.
monday went to my second cousins wedding in brooklyn and it was a lot of funnnn.
and then tonight i went to a chan. party at the library and these people were also there:
aimer, mike-L, scott, samansky, rabbi and estie goldberg (And cool kids), sam waltzer, dave, eli, ben gross, and mattea!!
it was so nice to see everybody and then go to sam's after w/ the maimonides cherry hill boys and rabbi goldberg to watch the insight bowl
go rutgers.
working tomorrow and thurs and fri, then secret homie is coming on saturday (i hope) and then a lot of plans up in the air for new years eve ;) (alamars, eli's, philly...)
putting new pics up on webshots, check regularly if you are bored !

less than 2 weeks. shit shit shit who the fuck is shooooting us?


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