i like my sugar with coffee and cream

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

real macncheese

you know you've got a good friend when the line at takeout is out the door and you say "MANAGER VAL... HOOK IT UP" and she says "mac n cheese?" and then... there you have it. about 50 people on cook campus hate you for cutting the line, and the good news is that you didnt even wait nearly 45 seconds.

and i bought skim milk today. WHAT !!! its new for me, but my bones will still benefit i guess. i wish they had 1/2 gallons of 1% . hmph.

and amanda3 and i had chai tea and she spilled gingerale everywhere so if the flo' is sticky, woops.

FREE SUSHI TONIGHT AT HILLEL at 8PM WHOOHOOOOOO.. you should come. but dont plan on getting any because mike and i are eating it all before you get there. (good thing its not raining this week :) )

watched boy meets world... my bro DEF still looks like cory matthews. and then i slept all afternoon until my phone started vibing and miho (my ho) was like PANDA YOUR PHONEEEEE so it was my mom and i was like "wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" and shes like "are you doing work?" and i just hung up.

Monday, November 28, 2005

you can see it in my eyes

i should tell you, i should tell you
i have always loved you
you can see it in my eyes.

making scarves scarves scarves not doing homework ohhhh man

today's list: dinner foods
mondays: cooper takeout
tuesdays: maimonides
wednesdays: hillel free sushi
thursday: neilson
friday: intermezzzzooooo

except this friday is the shabbaton in yardley, PA. yippeee and then fiddler on the roof sunday! ok seriously why am i writing i have so much to do fuck bye

Sunday, November 27, 2005

seasons of love

theres only us. theres only this. forget regret, or life is yours to miss.
this thanksgiving break couldnt have been better. i was able to see almost everybody i felt i needed to see, and was able to spend a lot of quality family time with my brother and grandparents.. etc. made the pumpkin pie so my brother can shut up now, and i think they're the best they've been in years (the crust is TDF for sure). this break was about seeing the people who cared enough to see me also. a lot of people made the first attempt in calling me and making me feel like i was missed... i need that once in a while because i feel like i almost always made the first move... seriously, im content right now. and besides, i called val like 4 times for the randomest funniest shit so that kept me smiling.

1. howrad & fam (get the fuck up and make me some eggs)
2. danielle (im shocking everybody. im electric)
3. suko (good pancakes)
4. seth ("why do you hate me? (for a million reasons.) why do you love me? (for every reason.)" )
5. all the people at codename.. mike-L and "aimer" and brian.. (thanksgiving pot)
6. mattea (talking x-rated at old navy)
7. sarah (the perfect colored gifts)
8. rhett (im gonna fuck you with my shoes on)
9. ross and nemo (why do you hate mike nem. so much?..... i love him . oh yea.. hes def a great guy)
thankyou for loving me on my thanksgiving break. every minute with you was spent well.

if i didnt get to see you.... ill be home dec. 17th. call ahead to get penciled in.

back to school tomorrow. garglegargele i didnt even do laundry yet ok bye.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

the time of when i made that post a few minutes ago was 1:43

"i dont love you, thats just my room number" - ramzy yamisha, fall04

ok bye
its thanksgiving. im thankful for many things.
CODENAME and Lotus concert at TLA = extremely fun and uplifting for a long thanksgiving weekend ahead of me. mini bday bash for benji singer at his sisters apt in philly.. saw almost every guy i graduated with-->weird for like 3 minutes but then it was cool and nice to see them. concert rocked the house and it was really nice to go there for bens birthday since codename kids went to my highschool and are kind of a big deal now.

it started to snow tonight.. :)

ani ohevet sheleg.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

wed nessss day in the hill

smells like turkey in my house
played with sarah today at EMS and met fun cute boys who thought we were psycho but it was funny nonetheless (who loves that word besides me)
going to philly tonight with bro maybe see codename at the TLA
disco inferno is on in this basement my dad thinks he is from saturday night fever; my mom isnt allowed out of the kitchen until she goes to the airport to get my grandparents .. that should ensure a good few hours of cooking (my brother has her on lockdown cooking or something)
mwaaaaaahahahhahhaa thanksgivinggggggg

my brotherlooks at the clock when its 5:50 and goes whoa its almost 7

thisspace bar doesnt workwell

got this blog shit

hung out with danielle and howrad. we did some drugs and then watched the second bridgit (bridgtits) diary movie which sucked balls and then made my brother sign up for fuckin facebook which was funny. and now in return i am making a blog because i figure now i can tell all you beeyotches what i think, without actually having to make a point in calling you or something.mwahahahha i mtired bye.